Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Usage Of Glass Beads By The First Nations People

The First Nations People value glass beads for their craft work because these beads come in a wide variety, and in many different colors. These beads come in several different sizes, and shapes, so the people have a lot of different options on how to use them in their projects.
The First Nations People once used hides from animals to make clothing. They used quills from porcupines, and shells, to decorate those hides. They would sometimes paint the hides in intricate patterns using paints made from natural items they could find close to them.
Once these people were introduced to European fabrics, and glass beads, they had to adapt to using new items to make their clothing with. They used cloth fabrics in place of the hides they once used, and they used the glass beads in place of the pieces of shell, and the porcupine quills they once used. The First Nations people even took silk ribbons and used them to make some of the intricate designs that they were accustomed to painting onto the clothing they made from hides.
The First Nations People started to use glass beads to make beaded souvenirs to sell back in the 1800s. They created moccasins and articles of clothing adorned with patterns formed using glass beads. They also crafted picture frames, dolls, smoking caps, miniature canoes, and drawstring pouches that had these beads forming designs on them. These people still make these crafts today and sell them as souvenirs.
When the European explorers, and the first European settlers came to meet with the First Nations people, they brought with them glass beads of different colors, shapes, and sizes. These beads they used to trade with the First Nations people for items they had. They also used the beads as gifts, and as a show of good faith when they were talking with the First Nations people about treaties, and alliances they wished to form.
The glass beads that were first introduced to the First Nations People came from places like Germany, the Czech Republic, and from the Netherlands. Some of the baubles even came from the Netherlands. Today you will find that these people still get their craft beads from all over the world, because they learned to use the different styles of beads to create different patterns, and special effects on the items they crafted.
Some glass beads are cut so that they have many different angles on them. The different angles reflect light in different ways and make the beads appear to be many different colors. These items are used to make necklaces, rings, and bracelets that shimmer in the light, and appear to be alive with ever-changing color patterns.
In the United States the Native Americans were also given these beads as token gifts from explorers, and from people who wanted them to sign over rights to their lands. Many Native American tribes still use the beads like the First Nations People do to create items that have come to be associated with their people.
Glass beads were introduced to the First Nations People many years ago when European explorers began to go to Canada. The glass beads became a part of the First Nations People and their culture, and are still used today. You can get more information from beads wholesale.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8422232

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