Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Tips On Storing Bracelet Making Supplies

Bracelet making supplies can quickly add up in your home. Making jewelry is a fun, and rewarding, hobby, that can quickly take over whatever room that you store the supplies in. bracelet making supplies are very small, and they can become a real problem if they are dropped in the carpet, or when they are not kept contained.

Storing bracelet making supplies does not have to be an expensive project. One way of storing all of these tiny pieces is in baby food jars. You can appeal to your friends who have babies to save you all of the baby food jars they go through. You can wash the jars, remove the labels, and keep your bracelet making supplies inside them. The jars are seen through, they are small, they stack easily on shelves, and they are free to get.

You can buy snack sized reseal able bags for very little money. These bags are perfect for you to store bracelet making supplies in. You can put each different color of bead, size of bead, and type of bead, into a separate bag. These bags can then be stored in drawers for easy reach, or you can place them in shoe boxes so that they are easy to keep on shelves.

Small plastic containers are readily available at almost every type of store. You can buy these items at dollar stores so that you save a lot of money on them. The containers generally have lids that can be removed, and they can be made from clear plastic, or colored plastics. If you shop the clearance aisles in stores right after a holiday you will find these items marked down to ridiculously low prices.

Many times we buy food items that come in small plastic containers that can be re-purposed. Some of the thin sliced luncheon meats come in small plastic containers that can be used to store items in, and when you buy coffee in a can you can use the can to store things in afterwards. You have to use your imagination, and look for a way that every item you get could be used, or re-used. Doing this can save you a lot of money.

You can take the shirt, lingerie, and robe boxes, that you get at Christmas time and use them to store your beads, and other supplies in. You can place the beads inside small plastic bags and then put them into the boxes. This will allow you to put all of your beads that are shades of pink in one box, or all of your wood beads could be kept separate from your acrylic, or glass beads. You could label the end of the box xo it is easy to identify what types of items are kept inside it.

You can also buy woven placemats and lay one inside the shirt box. Then you can put loose items in the box and the items will not roll around a lot, or be easily lost.

Bracelet making supplies are very small and can be challenging to store properly. Bracelet making supplies can be stored in used baby food jars. You can get more information from wholesale jewelry making supplies.

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